Lightning hit Amer Fort on the borders of the city, according to Shankar Lal Saini, a senior catastrophe management official in Jaipur.”There was a tower there. When the lightning struck, the towers wall collapsed, lots of individuals were buried under it. Given that the fort is on a hill, when the debris was falling and space reduced, some people also fell into a ditch,” Saini told CNN.The incident occurred at 6.30 p.m. on Sunday and authorities and civil defense force authorities carried out rescue operations until 7 a.m. on Monday, according to Saini.The 11 bodies recovered consisted of children and females. The victims were declared dead on arrival at the citys Sawai Man Singh Hospital.An even more 11 people were saved and are in stable condition, Saini stated. Those at the fort included residents in addition to tourists, he added.”Because it is an uneven area and there are a lot of trees the rescue groups kept looking till early morning in case anyone is left behind and now all people have been represented,” Saini said.Several people were likewise eliminated by lightning strikes in other parts of Rajasthan, according to Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot. He asked officials to offer immediate help to the families of the dead in a tweet on Sunday.Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi revealed his condolences on Twitter. “Many individuals have actually lost their lives due to lightning in some areas of Rajasthan. This has actually hurt a lot. I express my deepest acknowledgements to the households of the deceased: PM @narendramodi,” the Prime Ministers office tweeted on Monday early morning. Deaths from lightning strikes prevail in India and the South Asian region in May and June each year. There were 2,885 deaths attributed to lightning in 2017 and 2,357 in 2018, according to Indias National Crime Records Bureau.In June 2020, at least 107 individuals were eliminated by lightning strikes in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in simply two days.